A Florida police deputy was involved in a serious car crash while allegedly watching inappropriate content on his phone. The incident, which happened in November last year, led to an official investigation that later exposed his reckless behavior.
The deputy, later identified as Tristan Macomber, crashed into another vehicle while driving south on County Road 435. However, the crash itself wasn’t the only issue. As the investigation unfolded, authorities discovered details that made the situation even worse.

Footage from Macomber’s body camera captured the exact moment of impact. His airbags deployed immediately, and he quickly reacted. However, what he did next raised further concerns.
Moments after the crash, Macomber exited his vehicle and placed his phone on the seat before going back to retrieve it. Investigators later questioned this action, suspecting he was trying to hide something.
After the crash, Macomber approached the other driver and apologized. “Hello, ma’am. Are you OK? I’m so sorry, my brakes locked up,” he told her. However, investigators later found out that this was not the real cause of the accident.

Authorities discovered that Macomber was actually watching inappropriate material on his phone just before the crash.
At first, he claimed he had been looking through a group chat with other deputies. However, as the investigation continued, he admitted that this was a lie.
The Lake County Sheriff’s Office Internal Affairs report confirmed that Macomber had been watching inappropriate content on his personal phone while driving.
Investigators also found that he had broken three department rules: giving false information, using his phone for prohibited purposes, and not wearing his seatbelt.
Because of these violations, Macomber resigned from his position in law enforcement. However, the controversy surrounding his actions did not end there.

The incident sparked strong reactions on social media. Some people criticized his behavior, while others found the situation shocking.